Social Committee
Social functions have always been a part of Association life. The 1980s was a particularly active time for the organization, with strong staff participation and many organized activities throughout the years. Lorne Grotkowski, Katherine Fleming and Judy Tremaine organized many of the activities during their time with the Association. A formal committee, including a social fund, wasn’t formed until 1999. Currently, a group of volunteer organizers headed by Lori Riddle work to plan social activities for the Association’s staff and clients. Residential, Day Programs, Businesses and Administration Departments are all represented on the committee. The main events planned every year are the Children’s Christmas Party, staff’s Annual Event in January, and a summer barbecue. Events for the remainder of the year include bowling, golf, curling, and pool tournaments.
In the 1980s, baseball tournaments and car rallies were the highlights of the Association’s social agenda. Interest was high and staff participated with great enthusiasm.
Swan Challenge Cup
In the 1980s, an intense but friendly rivalry between Residential and Vocational programs played itself out on the ball diamond. Resie Red Socks, Super Swans and Vocational Vultures all vied for possession of the coveted Swan Challenge Cup.

“Around the Bend” Car Rallies
Car Rallies were very popular events for the staff in the 1980s. The first Annual “Drive You Crazy” Rally took place in 1989. Complicated planning sessions preceded each Rally and the result was a very detailed and challenging route for the players to navigate. Some teams tended to just go for the scavenger items so would take a long time to complete the race, while others preferred to compete for time and route accuracy. There were usually six to eight teams in each Rally, with four players on each team. Each Rally wrapped up with a social event and prize presentation at the Crown and Anchor pub.